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Workforce Development

Comprehensive Assessment of Key Sectors, Annual Report Cards

Employers in DC have an increasing number of good-paying jobs available, but many of our low-income residents do not hold the qualifications employers seek for those jobs. DC Appleseed is determined to change that with our long-term workforce development project. Our project will make it possible for more of our 120,000 unemployed and under-employed residents to move into good jobs.

We have assembled a strong team of pro bono partners who are conducting research and exploring opportunities to work the key sectors--employers, training providers, educational institutions, philanthropic organizations, the labor community, and government agencies. At the conclusion of our work, we will issue a comprehensive assessment that details recommendations for each sector and an annual report card to measure the progress of each sector over the next 5 to 10 years. This approach was used successfully in our HIV/AIDS project. Our key sectors have produced “Pandemic Pivot” memos describing their efforts during the pandemic and providing recommendations for their work going forward. These memos will help DC’s elected leaders and work force stakeholders determine what is needed for our city to develop a well-trained and adequately paid work force.

In 2012, DC Appleseed was a leader in helping the District launch a “workforce intermediary” to match hospitality and construction employers with qualified District residents. As we adjust to our city’s economic realities in the post COVID-19 recovery phase, workforce intermediary practices will need to be modified.

​Preparing residents for employment in a world that is becoming more complex each day will require helping them to attain degrees and certifications beyond high school. We hope and expect the UDC Community College will play a major role in workforce development as community colleges do across the country. Students of all ages will depend on the Community College to provide pathways to jobs and education in a region that may be making huge shifts in how and where people work.

Workforce Intermediary


Staff Contact:

Neil Richardson

Pro Bono Partners:

Arent Fox Schiff LLP

Arnold & Porter

Covington & Burling LLP

Georgetown University

Policy Innovation Lab

Latham & Watkins LLP

Steptoe & Johnson LLP

Workforce Development will connect DC

residents with good jobs.

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